Want to be the BEST FarmVille Farmer?

Welcome to a Blog that is all things FARMVILLE! Created by a farmer, for other Facebook farmers. By now I’m sure you’ve heard of FarmVille, but if you haven't, here are the basics!

Farmville is an addictive Facebook Game created by Zynga. participants spend time planting, raising animals and orchers, and building their farms. It is fun to play and interact with your friends. As your farm grows, you can add land, crops, animals, trees, buildings and fences! You do all this while earning (and spending) FarmVille cash and Experience points (XP).

Once you have started your own farm, spend a few moments a day trying to figure out how to load up on the right materials and resources to do better….

How’s all that going for you?

Do you have piles of rotted vegetables? Are you way behind your fellow farmers? Do your neighbors have ten times the resources as you? I've been there, and that’s why I've started a blog to tell you about the new guide I saw the other day and have been using.

It’s called FarmVille Secrets, it’s the only thing of its kind out there and it’s fantastic. It shows you what you need to launch your farming career through the roof and skyrocket you to the top levels. You can learn to get to level 18 in only 5 days!

Click Here to Find out More!

Not ready for a Guide? Check out my blog for tons of FarmVille ideas, & subscribe to my newsletter to get tons of Farmville Secrets and Tips!!

Happy Farming!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

How You Can Become a Top Farmer on FarmVille

FarmVille is a phenomenon of this Web 2.0 world we live in. At once the most popular and the most detested game linked to the Facebook social networking site, it has developed a huge and loyal following around the world and a lot of people want to know how they can become the top farmer!

Here's some advice that should help you do just that in the FarmVille game. First up, you need a strategy.

The first thing to be decided is the goal of your farm. Are you looking to expand it? The quickest way to do this is to expand with your neighbours. If you would like to earn coins quicker, focus on purchasing crops that will give you a quick reward for your investment, and then buy more of the same.

If you're a player who wants to get the latest features of the FarmVille game, hold on to those coins a bit longer and have patience. If not, you'll spend it all and have nothing left for the new features when they arrive!

Spend carefully. If you're set on leveling up and expanding your FarmVille farm, don't spend much on animals or trees as they are a big drain on your resources and don't offer much in the way of rewards. You could try to sell your animals or give them as gifts to other FarmVille players (who may then return the favour with other stuff).

To earn more, you could consider helping out on other players' farms for money. Be careful with this idea though, and focus on favours that will reap the best rewards for you. These are just some of the easy and practical ways you can become a better farmer in the world of FarmVille, and there are many more Farmville game tips to be found online!

Pete is an electronics and games enthusiast who loves helping other gamers get the most out of their online fun! You can find a wealth of Farmville game hints online!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pete_Silverman

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